Pet Painting #26 Lucky


“Lucky” Acrylic on 12×12 canvas

“Lucky” was painted with Golden full body acrylics.  I switched to these higher quality (than what I’m used to) paints recently and have used them for the past two paintings.  I really love the color quality compared to the Liquitex student grade paints. The only problem is that these seem to dry even faster than the Liquitex paints.

I’m thinking it’s time to make one of these wet palettes.  I’ve had one in the past, but didn’t paint enough, and it kept getting moldy.  I’m also thinking about building some painting storage so that my paintings are just leaning all over each other waiting to be knocked down by a child swinging a towel around or fighting over a toy.  Pinterest has some really great ideas, I just need to choose one. . .and get the materials. . . and build it.  Ugh.

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